Avgust is the leader of the Russian chemical crop protection industry.

What started out as a modest enterprise in 1990 has since expanded into the largest specialized company in the country, with biggest production volume.
In Russia alone we help to protect around 52 million hectares of crops annually.
In Russia alone we help to protect around 52 million hectares of crops annually.
$600 m
total revenue
manufacturing plants
countries where we operate
employees worldwide
products in our portfolio
Avgust is a reliable pesticide supplier to more than just Russian consumers. Over the years we’ve also successfully developed our export business and have strong representation in dozens of countries, which allows the company to significantly consolidate its position on the fast-growing global crop protection market.

Our Purpose & Mission
Our activities are founded on long-term, trust-based relations with our clients. The main principle and cornerstone of Avgust from the company’s start has been the sense of responsibility and transparency when working with partners.
From our very first days on the market, we have always relied on innovative solutions and the most advanced technologies to offer comprehensive and professional solutions in the crop protection field, helping our partners increase the profitability of agricultural production and thus facilitating the development of farming businesses everywhere.